Friday, August 6, 2010


Group 8- Winston Churchill

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was a true English gentleman and hero. He lead an inspiring and meaningful life. Winston Churchill had an unhappy childhood, on top of being an unpromising student. However, he overcame the odds and became a military hero, helping him to win the elections and rise to prominence as the First Lord of Admiralty. The following is a video about his biography…

Also, one of his qualities that make him a classic hero is his will to never quit. One of his quotes is: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” His words of encouragement helped many in despair, and reflects his strong-willed character. A hero never quits, enabling them to change the world for the better. One example in his life is when he realized the threat Hitler posed, but was repeatedly ignored when he warned people. He did not have that “I told you” attitude, but he tried his very best to help England overcome her troubles. This is what makes him a true genuine hero.

Done By:

Shao Wei (28)
Benedict (30)
Alex (33)
Keegen (38)

(I'm only helping them to post, cause they wasn't invited to this blog.)

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