Friday, July 2, 2010

Group 5: Mr Lim Chin Siong (Belicia, Gladys, Li-Jun, Linda)

The definition of a hero as provided by is as follows: A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life.”Selflessness is one of the key qualities of a hero.

Another definition is that a hero must be able to influence people, be a leader. He has to be a figure that people can look up to, a leading and shining example. Most of all, he has to be humble and not desire for power.

If he is in power, he must not come to power due to selfish motives, but be selected by the common people. Here is an excerpt of the obituary note on Mr Lim Chin Siong by Mr Lee Kuan Yew (The Straits Times, Feb 9, 1996), “I liked and respected him for his simple lifestyle and his selflessness… They were prepared to sacrifice everything for their cause, and many did.”

A major challenge faced by Mr Lim Chin Siong is that he faced many major setbacks by our esteemed Minister Mentor in politics. He was detained many times but after he came out, he still continued to fight for what he believed was right in politics. He was very determined to stand up for his beliefs and he led his group to fight against what he saw was wrong. This quality of his enabled him to persevere throughout his political career.

Though he was insulted and defamed throughout his career by his political rivals, Mr Lim Chin Siong has never stopped or hesitated in fighting for his cause, what he believed in. He was a charismatic person and was introduced by Mr Lee Kuan Yew as "future Prime Minister", though his reputation was later smeared by lies and accusations, next to none of them being true.

While this has led to many people thinking of Mr Lim Chin Siong as an anarchist or a Communist, he continued fighting for Singapore and its citizens, even though he was maligned. Most people would just give up, seeing that the people whom they fight for hates them, but Mr Lim perservered.
This has led to people who knew him to call him a hero.

Comment on Group 6 (General Aung San):

Group 6's post on General Aung San is well done as they have stated out points like how or what makes a hero and show how General Aung San fits the requisites of a hero. An example is that Group 6 says that a hero must always think of others first. Group 6 then shows that General Aung San thought for his people first as he became the prime minister and was willing to sacrifice himself for his country as evidenced by his assasination.

However, there is a problem in their statement, "Aung San displayed perseverance, courage and wisdom while he fights for the independency of his country.", as while they demonstrated his wisdom in foreseeing possible consequences his choices might cause, they did not show how General Aung San had perserverance and courage.

Overall, their post is well written and expresses their reasons as to why General Aung San deserves to be called a hero clearly and with little misunderstanding.

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